Hello, welcome to ..me!! It’s been kind of a hassle for me to recreate this page again, so apologies. On the left, you can scroll for images of me and my portrayals of myself! I’m pretty happy with my self-expression. The first thing I’d say about myself is that I am autistic, have ADHD, and struggle with things related to cPTSD, although I’ve been handling it better than I used do. I also struggle largely with DPDR. I am hard of hearing since birth. I’m very passionate about the things I love. My drugs of choice are peace and love(and weed).
My identity consists largely of my hope for another world. It’s impossible but it isn’t in my mind. It also consists of my want to be the truest me. A lot of my life revolves around my creations, whether it be art, music, coding, crafting, sewing.. you name it. On any given day I most likely have a project on my mind. My creations always express some part of me, so I’d consider all of my art to be like visuals for what’s in my brain.
I am a genderfuck pretty much. I am a boy but I love doing crazy things with my gender expression. I don’t really care. Nothing I do is gendered to me.
I identify with the term otherkin (or therian).. but what am I? I’m not that sure! I would most definitely have cat characteristics.. I largely identify with being a ghost (or creature) most likely because of my dissociative tendencies. These used to be negative characteristics for me, as was most of my identity back then, but now I’m geared to the complete opposite; yes I’m a creature, I still don’t belong.. but I’d love to be a bright person and express that I’m weird for other weirdos!
I suppose on the outside in real life I seem pretty annoying, mean, and careless. Most people dislike me, but the truth is I’m just awkward.. and also if I want to do something I will just outright do it. What I mean is I mostly just stay in my own bubble drawing or something, I’m not a social person. When I am around friends, I would like to listen to them.. and I may not respond well because I just like to listen, but it’s okay because they usually understand:) I am truly passionate for those I love. Whatever I do that seems off does not mean I dislike someone, it most likely means I’m just struggling with the situation at hand. Talking is overwhelming.
Usually, what I do when I’m at home is any of my given hobbies, but probably having a LOT of rest while watching YouTube(life tires me out). I watch videos pretty much all the time. In my room, decorations cover my walls and my collections devour my furniture. There are plushies all over my bed (less now since I’ve stored them in drawers under my bed)
My manifesto is pretty much to be yourself, and do whatever you want and create things forever because that’s the meaning of life to me. I don’t really care if I seem weird or whatever, I want to understand everyone and be a safe place. If someone doesn’t care about me or doesn’t want me to do that, I won’t! No big deal if I’m not needed(I want this mindset but I have abandonment issues Q_Q). My biggest goals are to create things I’m proud of and be the friendliest person around.