What’s up with the website…?

Back in 2022,one of my friends got very interested in coding. He practically begged me to make a website.. and that’s when this website was born.
The name of my website was based on this character named Momotan I was hyperfixated on at the time. I didn’t expect to have a fully fledged website, so I didn’t think about it. I was very upset with the name I had chosen when I really began working on the site. Now, I don’t mind at all. If I had thought about it, I would have been so particular and probably would have taken way too long and frustrated.. so the name stays.
The first version of this website was made out of Sadgrls layout maker. I changed not a single thing to the text or layout. In January of 2023, I attempted to make a new website, taking a pre-made layout from Eggramen. My way of coding was very flawed at the time; I’d make every single page with the same layout but with different text in the base part. I’d have to go onto every individual page and add the links manually.
I slowly learned how to actually code HTML within a couple of months, and eventually I made the first rendition of my website.
This is the only image that remains of this layout. I renovated this layout at some point. Near the beginning of 2024, my excitement for the web kind of died down. I renovated the layout at some point, but then summer rolled around and I took down the website for a while. Now we are here; I'm happy with what is here now!

What about Neocities intrigues me? (my life story)

I’ll be honest when I say that my happiest memories in childhood were all on the internet. I didn’t have the best or most fulfilling home life. Luckily, I did start making friends in school based on what I loved on the internet.
When I was growing up, I lived with my nana, her husband, my mom, and her brother. I hold a lot of nostalgia for the brick house that my nana used to live in. The main thing that I remember was her beautiful Windows XP computer. My mind felt like it lived there. At the ripe age of two(.. or three.. I have a bad memory..) I created my first Club Penguin account. God knows I had no idea what was happening on the game (once I realized I had money in the game 2 years later, I realized I was RICH) but it amazed me and made me so happy. I also played other various games online, usually on the Nick Jr. website, and the Disney website.
I have a large gap of memory between being three years old and 7 years old. All I know is that my nana eventually left that house, and I started to also go to my grandma’s after school to play on her computer as well. (Note: At that point, I think around 4 years old, I lived in a different house with my mom and stepfather) The fact I never had internet at my house until I was a teenager really added to my love of the internet, to be honest. It felt so special to only have designated times I could be on the computer. I started my MovieStarPlanet account around this age, and then one of my all-time favorite mmos, Fantage. I also played Animal Jam but I don’t have a lot to say about it. I love it.
I spent as much time as possible playing on Fantage. It was also my first time internalizing that I liked being a boy. I remember telling people about my accounts and saying “yeah I DEFINITELY like being on my girl accounts more”. My favorite part of the entire game were the fashion contests, because I had so many clothes and I would always win. I cannot possibly express the amount of nostalgia this game holds over me. I also browsed this forum called Fantage Zebra. It was my first experience being on a chatlog with others online. I have no idea what I talked about there (except I have this really vivid memory of manually typing out a link to a YouTube video (Mangle song by Groundbreaking) because I didn’t know copying and pasting existed) but I remember the exact noise that would play whenever a message was sent. Probably everyone there were either old men or children. I had my first webcam call there. It was an old man
Fantage got shut down in 2016. I was there for the last new year’s celebration. I remember being distraught. I didn’t really know for a while.
My other experiences on the internet at my nana’s new house were mostly based on YouTube. I discovered PopularMMOs and became obsessed. I also discovered FNAF and the amount of fan songs I would play were endless. I LOVED horror at the time. I kept up with all the mainline indie horror games that would come out. If you couldn't already guess. growing up I was not someone peopple liked; I was very goofy.. "cringe" as they'd say. I knew I was weird and I didn't know how to be normal so I just excentuated the weird parts as much as possible. I never felt the need to mask my identity or anything. It worked out well for me because I had a group of weird friends who accepted me nonetheless. We would all hyperfixate on the same things at the same time. I was also a meme guy.
My experience at that point was just really loving fnaf, music, and Musical.ly.. in which I would make very strange cosplays and queue of videos offline when I was at home for until I had internet access again. (I forgot to mention I got a tablet at the age of nine. Very weird and insane experiences there). I also remember being very interested in the website Quotev.. reading whatever yandere X readers I could find and random quizzes.. When middle school rolled around, at that point I was very VERY based in the Scratch community. I spent probably all of the time I possibly could have on there. We had school laptops then, so I was able to save blank projects and work on as many as I wanted offline. Small games, drawings, literally whatever ideas I had. My internet usage was very interesting after that. I don't even know if I should mention it. I guess when 2020 happened, my parents finally got internet for good. I had a lot of weird experiences on Discord and whatnot. And then in 2021 I guess i had a really bad Twitter phase. Whatever I'm normal now Anyways, the point I'm building up to is.. the internet is VERY important to me. I love the internet, and it saved my life. Of course there are downsides to have always been a chronically online person, but for the most part it made me happy. So, when I discovered Neocities and what really resided in it, it made me feel so.. like I just HAD to do it. I couldn't stop browsing. I loved the endless amount of self-expression I could find. At the time I was also WAY deep in my nostalgia for the mid-2000s so seeing things that reminded me of that time was so special. My website is a love letter to the internet for helping me survive. Neocities has helped me reflect a lot on myself and my self-expression. I am so happy with the person I'm coming to be, I think. And I think a big portion of it is because of Neocities. So, that's why I'm here.